Day 3- Bar Harbor Maine

Actually this is Falmouth, Maine. Or, as Brad would pronounce it...
Fall-mooth (like Vermouth)... Don't ask me, he's from the mid-west.
Brad and I got caught in a thunderstorm on the way to Big Moose
Harley-Davidson in Portland, ME. Unfortunately, we didn't have
camera's with us. I was wearing my rain suit as you can see from the
photo above... Brad wasn't. When we got to the dealer, he looked
like he had been for a swim.
That's my bike by the way... And, for those of you who are wondering,
Yes, Brad pronouces Portsmouth- Ports-mooth...

Here's Brad's bike. It's got ChromaIllusion paint that changes color
from blue to purple depending on the angle it's viewed.

The view from our room at the Anchor Inn in Bar Harbor. It was cool
and foggy when we arrived. Nasty looking huh?

The same view the next morning. The sun was out and it got hot.

This is why they call it "Bar" Harbor. At low tide, you can drive across
the sandbar to the island at right.

For some reason, I'm standing in front of Brad's bike in this photo.
Brad is better at shooting signs... See below...

OK, this is what I'm talking about. Brad shot this photo, so he didn't
have to read the sign... I can't read the text... Guess we have to go
back to Maine.

And another sign... this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg! I won't
bore you with any more though...

The lighthouse at Bass Harbor on the southern
tip of Mt. Desert Island.

That's Brad on the rocks at Bass Harbor.

Here's a shot of all the people taking photo's of the Bass Harbor Lighthouse

A stone bridge, the tallest in the Acadia National Park, just outside Bar
Harbor. The bridge is along the carriage roads built at the turn of the

This is a cliff face on Dorr Mountain? I'm not sure if it's Dorr, but people
rock climb here... Can't see any in the photo, but they're their. Trust

(l to r- Brad, Ann, Russ)
The three of us on Cadillac Mountain with
Bar Harbor in the background.

One last shot by the bikes... Brad likes these shots I guess.