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June 18, 1999

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Bernkastel-Kues Photos

Here are photo's from the town of Bernkastel-Kues, famous for Bernkasteler Doktor
Riesling Wine! Bernkastel-Kues is in the Mosel River Valley in Western Germany.

a bernkastel street
A street in the Town of Bernkastel-Kues. A Weinstube is
a wine-bar...

another street view
There are vineyard on virtually every available piece of land in the Mosel
River Valley. Here's an outdoor cafe with the vineyards above...

another street
Another street... more vines...

castle on hill
That's the castle on the hill over looking the town.

the castle up close
The Castle up close. There's actually a restaurant on
the grounds. The charge to climb the tower is DM1..

a minstrel playing in the marketplatz
As you can see, Bernkastel-Kues is a touch touristy... Here's a minstrel
playing in the Marktplatz.

view of mosel to east
The view from the Castle looking East along the Mosel River.
All of that light green area on the hill is vineyard...

trier- alley behind dom wysteria.JPG (66818 bytes)
Looking North from the Castle...

view to west
Looking west...