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Last Updated:
June 18, 1999

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Rothenburg ob der Tauber

This is a view of Rothenburg ob der Tauber from a park within the town itself... notice the walls surrounding the town...

This is another view from the park... looking down toward the Tauber...

Another view of the town from the park... that's part of the town wall in the foreground at right...

A hedge garden within the park...

A doorway into a chapel in the park... Yes, that says 1627...

Rothenburg apparently gets a lot of Japanese tourists... here's a shot of one group... Many of the shops have signs in their windows in both German and Japanese... but no English...

This is a view of the town wall from inside...

A closeup of the stonework at one of the town gates... this is from the park going into town...

The Marktplatz... we visited the weekend before Christmas. Note the three clocks in the building at right... the top is a sundial... the middle is a 24 hours clock... the bottom is your standard 12 hour...

A holiday band playing in the Marktplatz

A doorway into the cathedral... note the stone statues...

A stone statue built into the side of the cathedral...

A closeup of another statue...

A carousel in the markt...

A gasthaus inside the town... more statuary...

No photo tour is complete without a shot of the town's McDonalds...