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The Adirondacks : A History of America's First Wilderness


25 Bicycle Tours in the Adirondacks : Road Adventures in the East's Largest Wilderness



Maine Trip- July 1998

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Upstate New York- Fort Ticonderoga

Or, go straight to Maine

Day 1 and 2

I was back in the U.S. in July and took a trip on the Harley to Maine by way of the Adirondacks. Brad and Ann Thacher came out from Detroit with their bike and off we went. Here are some of the photo's I took along the way...  

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(l to r- Heritage Softail Classic, Russ Thrall, Ann Thacher)
Not a good sign... We're only a little ways into New York and
already we're looking at the map. I'm scratching my head. I forget the
name of the town. Brad shot a photo of the Post Office here. Brad loves
to shoot photos of signs...

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In the parking lot of the Algonquin Motel in Wells, NY when we arrived
about 9PM. We left the Poconos about 12:30PM. 8 1/2 hours of

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These are wood carvings along side the road in Wells, NY. Brad shot
this Sunday morning, just about 100 feet from the Motel. I didn't even
notice them the night before.

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Brad takes photo's of lots of signs... this way he doesn't have to spend
time reading them while on vacation. I only took one sign photo... at
the entrance to Fort Ticonderoga between Lake Champlain and Lake
George. A pretty impressive cast of characters have been through the
entrance to the Fort. At the top is George Washington, Ben Franklin,
Benadict Arnold... then of course Brad Thacher... his name will be added
next year I belive...

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Cannon, cannon, and more cannon... at Fort Ticonderoga.

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This is Brad, taking time off from shooting sign photos to have a photo
taken of himself.

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Another view of Fort Ticonderoga

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Battery on the south side of the fort looking out towards Lake Champlain.

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The Parade Ground and Officers Quarters... I believe...

On to Bar Harbor and Day 3 of our trip...